


第一周 复习总结 1 初始游戏代码number_of_kids =8guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!")elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...")else: print("think bigger...")

猜三次 猜三次没猜中 就退出 则要使用到循环

( while初相识 代码1: count = 0while True: print("count:",count) count = count +1 #count +=1 无线循环-----运用到上面的猜数字游戏 )

想要在某个地方停止 要如何设置?

简单举例whilecount = 0while True: print("count:",count) count = count *2 #count*=2 if count == 1000: break 问: 该如何加?使初始游戏 能循环猜测? 改进2

number_of_kids =8

while True: guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")

问题: 为什么while true 要放在这个位置? 答:while true 代表无限循环,不中断。若while true 放在下面一行的下面的话, 会无法循环下一个input,即会中断游戏。

运行结果:可无限次输入数字猜测 无限循环 缺点:当输入正确答案时仍然继续猜测,没有结束。 问:改进如何在猜对的时候 直接结束程序


number_of_kids =8

while True: guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") break elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")

break的添加可以使得在猜对数字的时候 结束游戏。但若猜不对如何是之在 指定次数内结束游戏?


number_of_kids =8

count = 0

while True:

if count ==3: break guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") break elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")

加了 if count ==3:break 后,还是没有在第三次猜测的时候成功。原因: 没有加计数!

number_of_kids =8

count = 0

while True:

if count ==3: break guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") break elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")

count+=1 非常棒! 是否可以优化?

问:有什么可以代替 if count ==3: break 以及计数?

number_of_kids =8

count = 0


有什么可以代替 if count ==3: break while True:

if count <3: guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") break elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...") count+=1 print("you have tried too many times..fuck off")

只有在第三次还没有猜对的情况下进行fuckoff 进行以下修改:

number_of_kids =8

count = 0

while count <3: guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") break elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")


if count ==3: print("you have tried too many times..fuck off") 改进:高级一点哈哈哈哈 number_of_kids =8

count = 0

while count <3: guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") break elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")


else: print("you have tried too many times..fuck off") 小傻作业: 4/9 周日

如何变动代码,使得第三次出来的时候 只显示数字,不显示fuckoff,等第四次输入的时候,不提示大小,反而直接输出fuckoff? 首先,理清上一段代码的思路:count从0开始运行 进入while循环,但凡在小于3的范围内 只要猜对 就break。没猜对 就出现smaller or bigger。当count+=1等于2时,即进入第三次循环,再一次猜错时 出现bigger or smaller 后 走下一个程序,即count+=1等于3,进入else运行,后面紧跟fuckoff。

作业改动思路:要使的第三次出来的时候 只显示数字 和小了大了提示,不显示fuckoff,则说明当count+=1等于3时,不直接走fuckoff的程序,则说明fuckoff的设置不能出现在前面while count <3 的子程序中,而是应该并列程序,当count=3时,继续出现猜数字的界面,后不管猜错猜对都fuckoff,并且结束。

number_of_kids =8

count = 0

while True:

if count <3: guess_number =int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") break elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")


if count ==3: guess_number =int(input("guess_number_of_kids:")) print("you have tried too many times..fuck off") break


如何用for来代替 while

number_of_kids =8

count = 0

while count <3: #for i in range(3) guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") break elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")


else: print("you have tried too many times..fuck off")


number_of_kids =8

count = 0

#for i in range(3) guess_number=int(input("guess_number_of_kids:"))

if guess_number==number_of_kids: print("You got it!") break elif guess_number>number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")


else: print("you have tried too many times..fuck off")


for i in range(0,10,1): #1是默认值,可以不写,不写即代表1. print("loop",i)

for i in range(0,10,2): print("loop",i)运行结果:=== RESTART: C:/Users/dell/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python35-32/12.py ===loop 0loop 2loop 4loop 6loop 8>>>

for i in range(0,10,3): print("loop",i)运行结果:=== RESTART: C:/Users/dell/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python35-32/12.py ====== RESTART: C:/Users/dell/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python35-32/12.py ===loop 0loop 3loop 6loop 9>>>




while count <3: guess_number = int(input("guess_number_of_kids:")) if guess_number == number_of_kids: print("yep,you got it!") break elif guess_number> number_of_kids: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...")

count+=1 if count==3: countine_confirm = input("do you want keeping guessing...?") if countine_confirm !="n": 若是按下n则表示退出游戏 count =0 当按下回车键后表明还想玩,则程序继续执行。

task: 单独打出这段代码,理清思路。

新知识点: continue

for i in range(0,10): if i<3: print("loop",i) else: continue print("hehe"..) 执行结果 :=== RESTART: C:/Users/dell/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python35-32/4.py ===loop 0hehe...loop 1hehe...loop 2hehe...

后来加断点???啥意思?for i in range(0,10): if i<3: print("loop",i) else: continue(作用是跳出本次循环,进入下一次循环) print("hehe"..)问: 同样代码 却没有hehe?


for i in range(10): print("________",i) for j in range(10): print(j) 执行结果:=== RESTART: C:/Users/dell/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python35-32/4.py ===________ 0
