JavaScript: 时间处理 Date Library


Datejs is an open source JavaScript Date library for parsing, formatting and processing.

The last 'official' release was Alpha-1 on November 19th, 2007. The project has been mostly dormant since that early release, but steps are being taken to revive the project.

A test suite is available online at


Getting Started

NOTE Please be sure to check out our blog post Getting Started with DateJS.

We recommend including one of the .js files from within the /build/ folder.

<script type="text/javascript" src="date.js"></script>

Within the /build/ folder, a date.js file has been created for each of the 150+ supported Cultures. Changing the Culture of the library is as easy as changing the date.js file.

<!-- Set the CultureInfo to de-DE (German/Deutsch) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="date-de-DE.js"></script>

Before minification, the Datejs library is contained in five (6) separate JavaScript files. Each of the files can be included individually.

The following is a list of precedence if including the files individually. Each file requires the one above it. For example, core.js requires a CultureInfo file.

  1. CultureInfo       Contains all Globalized strings and culture specific properties.
Debug versions available within the /trunk/source/globalization/ folder.
2. core.js           All core Date processing logic.
3. parser.js         All parsing logic.
4. sugarpak.js*      All syntactical sugar.
5. time.js**         TimeSpan and TimePeriod classes.
6. extras.js**       PHP/Unix date format conversion functions.

*  The parser.js file is not required for sugarpak.js
** The time.js and extras.js files are optional and are not included in the compiled /build/ versions.


Example Usage

Syntax Overview                    // Returns today's date, with time set to 00:00 (start of day).    // Returns the date of the next Friday.    // Returns the date of the previous Monday.

new Date().next().march()       // Returns the date of the next March.
new Date().last().week()        // Returns the date one week ago.      // Returns true|false if the day-of-week matches.         // Abbreviated day names.    // Month names.         // Abbreviated month names.     // Is today a weekday?         // Add one day (+1).      // Subtract three months (-3).       // Add one (+1) day. Supports all date parts (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and weeks)   // Subtract three (-3) months.

(1).day().fromNow()             // One (1) day from now. 
(3).months().ago()              // Three (3) months ago.

var n = 6;
n.months().fromNow()            // Six (6) months from now.

Date.monday()                   // Returns Monday of the current week.
Date.mon()                      // Abbreviated version of Date.monday()

Date.march()                    // Returns March 1st of this year.
Date.mar()                      // Abbreviated version of Date.march() // Returns the first Thursday of the current month. Returns the second Thursday of the current month.

Date.march().third().thursday() // Returns the third Thursday in March of the current year.
Date.october().fourth().sunday()// Returns the fourth Sunday in October.   // Returns the fifth Sunday in the current month, or throws a RangeError exception if there are not 5 Sundays in the current month.
Date.october().final().sunday() // Returns the final Sunday in October.

Date.january().first().monday() // Returns the first Monday of the current year.
Date.december().final().friday()// Returns the last Friday of the current year."6:15pm");      // Returns todays date at 6:15pm.

var time = {hour:18, minute:15};;          // Set time with a config object.

var birthDayParty = {month: 1, day: 20, hour: 20, minute: 30};;// Set date and time with a config object.


The following list is only a small subset of hundreds of string formats which can be parsed correctly without providing a date format. All parsing is fully Globalized by including the appropriate CultureInfo file. The CultureInfo file contains all the strings used for parsing and formatting.

All CultureInfo files can be found in the /trunk/source/globalization/ folder.

The following .parse() samples use the en-US.js CultureInfo file.

Date.parse('t')                 // Returns today's date.
Date.parse('today')             // Returns today's date.
Date.parse('tomorrow')          // Returns tomorrow's date.
Date.parse('yesterday')         // Returns yesterday's date.

Date.parse('next friday')       // Returns the date of the next Friday.
Date.parse('last monday')       // Returns the date of the previous Monday.

Date.parse('July 8th, 2004')    // Thu Jul 08 2004
Date.parse('15-Jan-2004')       // Thu Jan 15 2004

Date.parse('7/1/2004')          // Thu Jul 01 2004
Date.parse('7.1.2004')          // Thu Jul 01 2004
Date.parse('07.15.04')          // Thu Jul 15 2004

Date.parse('July 23rd 2004')    // Fri Jul 23 2004
Date.parse('Sat July 3, 2004')  // Sat Jul 03 2004

Date.parse('10:30 PM EST')      // Wed Oct 31 2007 20:30:00
Date.parse('10PM')              // Wed Oct 31 2007 22:00:00

Date.parse('t + 5d')            // Adds 5 days to today.
Date.parse('today - 1 month')   // Subtracts 1 month from today.

Date.parse('+')                 // Add 1 day to today = tomorrow.
Date.parse('- 3months')         // Subtract 3 months.

Date.parse('+1year')            // Add a year to today.
Date.parse('-12 months')        // Subtract 12 months (1 year) from today.

Date.parse('July 4th')          // July 4th of this year.
Date.parse('15')                // 15th day of current month/year.

Date.parse('July 8th, 2004, 10:30 PM')      // Thu Jul 08 2004 22:30:00
Date.parse('2004-07-15T06:45:00')           // Thu Jul 15 2004 06:45:00
Date.parse('Thu, 1 July 2004 22:30:00 GMT') // Thu Jul 01 2004 16:30:00

Date.parse('1997-07-16T19:20:15')           // ISO 8601 Formats
Date.parse('1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00')     // ISO 8601 with Timezone offset
Date.parse('1985-04-12T23:20:50Z')          // RFC 3339 Formats
