Matlab 函数式编程


为此,本文旨在讨论如何利用Matlab的匿名函数实现类似Mathematica的函数式编程。这里主要使用的是Tucker McClure所编写的函数式编程工具。



min_and_max = @(x) [min(x), max(x)];
min_and_max([3 4 1 6 2])
ans =     1     6


[extrema, indices] = cellfun(@(f) f([3 4 1 6 2]), {@min, @max})
extrema =     1     6
indices =     3     4


min_and_max = @(x) cellfun(@(f) f(x), {@min, @max});


y = randi(10, 1, 10)
just_values        = min_and_max(y)
[~, just_indices]  = min_and_max(y)
[extrema, indices] = min_and_max(y)
y =     9    10     2    10     7     1     3     6    10    10
just_values =     1    10
just_indices =     6     2
extrema =     1    10
indices =     6     2



map = @(val, fcns) cellfun(@(f) f(val{:}), fcns);


x = [3 4 1 6 2];
[extrema, indices] = map({x}, {@min, @max})


map({1, 2}, {@plus, @minus, @times})
ans =     3    -1     2


mapc = @(val, fcns) cellfun(@(f) f(val{:}), fcns, ‘UniformOutput‘, false);

mapc({pi}, {@(x) 2 * x, ...                     % Multiply by 2
            @cos, ...                           % Find cosine
            @(x) sprintf(‘x is %.5f...‘, x)})   % Return a string

ans =  1×3 cell 数组
    {[6.2832]}    {[-1]}    {‘x is 3.14159...‘}





iif = @(varargin) varargin{2 * find([varargin{1:2:end}], 1, ‘first‘)}();[out1, out2, ...] = iif( if this,      then run this, ...                            else if this, then run this, ...                            ...                            else,         then run this );


  1. 出现无穷值,报错;
  2. 所有值都是0,返回0;
  3. 否则,输出x/norm(x);


normalize = @(x) iif( ~all(isfinite(x)), @() error(‘Must be finite!‘), ...
                                  all(x == 0),       @() zeros(size(x)), ...
                                  true,              @() x/norm(x) );normalize([1 1 0])ans =    0.7071    0.7071         0normalize([0 0 0])ans =     0     0     0



recur = @(f, varargin) f(f, varargin{:});


fib = @(n) recur(@(f, k) iif(k <= 2, 1, ...
                             true,   @() f(f, k-1) + f(f, k-2)), ...
                 n);arrayfun(fib, 1:10)ans =     1     1     2     3     5     8    13    21    34    55


factorial = @(n) recur(@(f, k) iif(k == 0, 1, ...
                                   true,   @() k * f(f, k-1)), n);
arrayfun(factorial, 1:7)



paren = @(x, varargin) x(varargin{:});
curly = @(x, varargin) x{varargin{:}};


paren(magic(3), 1:2, 2:3)
paren(magic(3), 1:2, ‘:‘)ans =     8     1     6     3     5     7     4     9     2ans =     1     6     5     7ans =     8     1     6     3     5     7


dots = @() curly({...
    figure(‘Position‘, [0.5*screen_size() - [100 50], 200, 100], ...
           ‘MenuBar‘,  ‘none‘), ...                % Position the figure
    plot(randn(1, 100), randn(1, 100), ‘.‘)}, ...  % Plot random points
    ‘:‘);                                          % Return everything

[h_figure, h_dots] = dots()

