


package org.hibernate.connection;

public interface ConnectionProvider {
	/** 初始化建立数据库连接所需要的配置 */
	public void configure(Properties props) throws HibernateException;
	/** 获得数据库连接 */
	public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException;
	/** 关闭数据库连接 */
	public void closeConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException;
	/** 释放连接提供者占用的所有资源 */
	public void close() throws HibernateException;


ConnectionProvider connections;
	String providerClass = properties.getProperty(Environment.CONNECTION_PROVIDER);
	if ( providerClass!=null ) {
		try {
			log.info("Initializing connection provider: " + providerClass);
			connections = (ConnectionProvider) ReflectHelper.classForName(providerClass).newInstance();
		catch ( Exception e ) {
			log.error( "Could not instantiate connection provider", e );
			throw new HibernateException("Could not instantiate connection provider: " + providerClass);
	else if ( properties.getProperty(Environment.DATASOURCE)!=null ) {
		connections = new DatasourceConnectionProvider();
	else if ( properties.getProperty(Environment.URL)!=null ) {
		connections = new DriverManagerConnectionProvider();
	else {
		connections = new UserSuppliedConnectionProvider();
	return connections;



package org.hibernate.connection;
public class DatasourceConnectionProvider implements ConnectionProvider {
	private DataSource ds;

	public void configure(Properties props) throws HibernateException {

		String jndiName = props.getProperty( Environment.DATASOURCE );
		if ( jndiName == null ) {
			String msg = "datasource JNDI name was not specified by property " + Environment.DATASOURCE;
			log.error( msg );
			throw new HibernateException( msg );

		user = props.getProperty( Environment.USER );
		pass = props.getProperty( Environment.PASS );

		try {
			ds = ( DataSource ) NamingHelper.getInitialContext( props ).lookup( jndiName );
		catch ( Exception e ) {
			log.error( "Could not find datasource: " + jndiName, e );
			throw new HibernateException( "Could not find datasource", e );
		if ( ds == null ) {
			throw new HibernateException( "Could not find datasource: " + jndiName );
		log.info( "Using datasource: " + jndiName );

	public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
		if (user != null || pass != null) {
			return ds.getConnection(user, pass);
		else {
			return ds.getConnection();


package org.hibernate.connection;
public class DriverManagerConnectionProvider implements ConnectionProvider {
	private String url;
	private Properties connectionProps;
	private Integer isolation;
	private final ArrayList pool = new ArrayList();
	private int poolSize;
	private int checkedOut = 0;
	private boolean autocommit;

	private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DriverManagerConnectionProvider.class);

	public void configure(Properties props) throws HibernateException {

		String driverClass = props.getProperty(Environment.DRIVER);
		poolSize = PropertiesHelper.getInt(Environment.POOL_SIZE, props, 20); //default pool size 20
		log.info("Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)");
		log.info("Hibernate connection pool size: " + poolSize);
		autocommit = PropertiesHelper.getBoolean(Environment.AUTOCOMMIT, props);
		log.info("autocommit mode: " + autocommit);

		isolation = PropertiesHelper.getInteger(Environment.ISOLATION, props);
		if (isolation!=null)
		log.info( "JDBC isolation level: " + Environment.isolationLevelToString( isolation.intValue() ) );

		if (driverClass==null) {
			log.warn("no JDBC Driver class was specified by property " + Environment.DRIVER);
		else {
			try {
				// trying via forName() first to be as close to DriverManager's semantics
			catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
				try {
				catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
					String msg = "JDBC Driver class not found: " + driverClass;
					log.error( msg, e );
					throw new HibernateException(msg, e);

		url = props.getProperty( Environment.URL );
		if ( url == null ) {
			String msg = "JDBC URL was not specified by property " + Environment.URL;
			log.error( msg );
			throw new HibernateException( msg );

		connectionProps = ConnectionProviderFactory.getConnectionProperties( props );

		log.info( "using driver: " + driverClass + " at URL: " + url );
		// if debug level is enabled, then log the password, otherwise mask it
		if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
			log.info( "connection properties: " + connectionProps );
		else if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) {
			log.info( "connection properties: " + PropertiesHelper.maskOut(connectionProps, "password") );


	public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {

		if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) log.trace( "total checked-out connections: " + checkedOut );

		synchronized (pool) {
			if ( !pool.isEmpty() ) {
				int last = pool.size() - 1;
				if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
					log.trace("using pooled JDBC connection, pool size: " + last);
				Connection pooled = (Connection) pool.remove(last);
				if (isolation!=null) pooled.setTransactionIsolation( isolation.intValue() );
				if ( pooled.getAutoCommit()!=autocommit ) pooled.setAutoCommit(autocommit);
				return pooled;

		log.debug("opening new JDBC connection");
		Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, connectionProps);
		if (isolation!=null) conn.setTransactionIsolation( isolation.intValue() );
		if ( conn.getAutoCommit()!=autocommit ) conn.setAutoCommit(autocommit);

		if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
			log.debug( "created connection to: " + url + ", Isolation Level: " + conn.getTransactionIsolation() );
		if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) checkedOut++;

		return conn;

	public void closeConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException {

		if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) checkedOut--;

		synchronized (pool) {
			int currentSize = pool.size();
			if ( currentSize < poolSize ) {
				if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) log.trace("returning connection to pool, pool size: " + (currentSize + 1) );

		log.debug("closing JDBC connection");


	/** 释放连接池 */
	public void close() {

		log.info("cleaning up connection pool: " + url);

		Iterator iter = pool.iterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			try {
				( (Connection) iter.next() ).close();
			catch (SQLException sqle) {
				log.warn("problem closing pooled connection", sqle);




SessionFactory sf = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
	Session session = sf.openSession();



Session session = org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(sessionFactory, true);

