


1、cms gc 和 full gc 有什么区别 ?

2、cms gc 和 full gc 如何触发的 ?

3、什么场景下会发生 concurrent model failure ?

4、full gc 每次都会进行compact么?



cms gc 状态

当触发 cms gc 对老年代进行垃圾收集时,算法中会使用_collectorState变量记录执行状态,整个周期分成以下几个状态:

  • Idling:一次 cms gc 生命周期的初始化状态。
  • InitialMarking:根据 gc roots,标记出直接可达的活跃对象,这个过程需要stw的。
  • Marking:根据 InitialMarking 阶段标记出的活跃对象,并发迭代遍历所有的活跃对象,这个过程可以和用户线程并发执行。
  • Precleaning:并发预清理。
  • AbortablePreclean:因为某些原因终止预清理。
  • FinalMarking:由于marking阶段是和用户线程并发执行的,该过程中可能有用户线程修改某些活跃对象的字段,指向了一个非标记过的对象,在这个阶段需要重新标记出这些遗漏的对象,防止在下一阶段被清理掉,这个过程也是需要stw的。
  • Sweeping:并发清理掉未标记的对象。
  • Resizing:如果有需要,重新调整堆大小。
  • Resetting:重置数据,为下一次的 cms gc 做准备。

cms gc 和 full gc 的区别

CMS算法中实现了cms gc 和 full gc,姑且这么认为吧,算法实现都位于文件concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.cpp中。

cms gc 通过一个后台线程触发,触发机制是默认每隔2秒判断一下当前老年代的内存使用率是否达到阈值,当然具体的触发条件没有这么简单,如果是则触发一次cms gc,在该过程中只会标记出存活对象,然后清除死亡对象,期间会产生碎片空间。

full gc 是通过 vm thread 执行的,整个过程是 stop-the-world,在该过程中会判断当前 gc 是否需要进行compact,即把存活对象移动到内存的一端,可以有效的消除cms gc产生的碎片空间。

cms gc 如何触发

对于 cms gc 来说,触发条件很简单,实现位于 ConcurrentMarkSweepThread 类中,相当于Java 中的Thread,该线程随着堆一起初始化,在该类的 run 方法中有这么一段逻辑:

while (!_should_terminate) {
 if (_should_terminate) break;
 GCCause::Cause cause = _collector->_full_gc_requested ?
 _collector->_full_gc_cause : GCCause::_cms_concurrent_mark;
 _collector->collect_in_background(false, cause);

sleepBeforeNextCycle()保证了最晚每 2 秒(-XX:CMSWaitDuration)进行一次判断,实现如下:

void ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::sleepBeforeNextCycle() {
 while (!_should_terminate) {
 if (CMSIncrementalMode) {
 } else {
 // Wait until the next synchronous GC, a concurrent full gc
 // request or a timeout, whichever is earlier.
 // Check if we should start a CMS collection cycle
 if (_collector->shouldConcurrentCollect()) {
 // .. collection criterion not yet met, let's go back
 // and wait some more

其中shouldConcurrentCollect()方法决定了是否可以触发本次 cms gc,分为以下几种情况:


2、CMS 默认采用 jvm 运行时的统计数据判断是否需要触发 cms gc,如果需要根据 CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction 的值进行判断,需要设置参数-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly

3、如果开启了UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly参数,判断当前老年代使用率是否大于阈值,则触发 cms gc,该阈值可以通过参数-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction进行设置,如果没有设置,默认为92%;

4、如果之前的 ygc 失败过,或则下次新生代执行 ygc 可能失败,这两种情况下都需要触发 cms gc;

5、CMS 默认不会对永久代进行垃圾收集,如果希望对永久代进行垃圾收集,需要设置参数-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled,如果开启了CMSClassUnloadingEnabled,根据永久带的内存使用率判断是否触发 cms gc;


如果有上述几种情况,说明需要执行一次 cms gc,通过调用_collector->collect_in_background(false, cause) 进行触发,注意这个方法名中的in_background


full gc 如何触发

触发 full gc 的主要原因是在eden区为对象或TLAB分配内存失败,导致一次 ygc,在 GenCollectorPolicy 类的satisfy_failed_allocation()方法中有这么一段逻辑:

if (!gch->incremental_collection_will_fail(false /* don't consult_young */)) {
 // Do an incremental collection.
 gch->do_collection(false /* full */,
 false /* clear_all_soft_refs */,
 size /* size */,
 is_tlab /* is_tlab */,
 number_of_generations() - 1 /* max_level */);
 } else {
 if (Verbose && PrintGCDetails) {
 gclog_or_tty->print(" :: Trying full because partial may fail :: ");
 // Try a full collection; see delta for bug id 6266275
 // for the original code and why this has been simplified
 // with from-space allocation criteria modified and
 // such allocation moved out of the safepoint path.
 gch->do_collection(true /* full */,
 false /* clear_all_soft_refs */,
 size /* size */,
 is_tlab /* is_tlab */,
 number_of_generations() - 1 /* max_level */);

该方法是由 vm thread 执行的,整个过程都是 stop-the-world,如果当前incremental_collection_will_fail方法返回 false,则会放弃本次的 ygc,直接触发一次 full gc,incremental_collection_will_fail实现如下:

bool incremental_collection_will_fail(bool consult_young) {
 // Assumes a 2-generation system; the first disjunct remembers if an
 // incremental collection failed, even when we thought (second disjunct)
 // that it would not.
 "the following definition may not be suitable for an n(>2)-generation system");
 return incremental_collection_failed() ||
 (consult_young && !get_gen(0)->collection_attempt_is_safe());

其中参数 consult_young 为 false,如果incremental_collection_failed()返回 true,会导致执行很慢很慢很慢的full gc,如果上一次 ygc 过程中发生 promotion failure 时,会设置 _incremental_collection_failed为 true,即方法incremental_collection_failed()返回 true,相当于触发了 full gc。

其实不管执行 ygc 还是 full gc,都是执行 GenCollectedHeap 的do_collection()方法,最终执行CMS算法的 full gc 实现位于CMSCollector::collect()方法中,当然了,执行 full gc 的逻辑和 cms gc 不是同一条路径,只是实现在同一个文件不同方法中,而且 full gc 是单线程的,完全 stw,而cms gc 是多线程,部分过程是stw的。

还有一种情况是,当发生ygc之后,还是没有足够的内存进行分配,这时会继续触发 full gc,实现如下:

// If we reach this point, we're really out of memory. Try every trick
 // we can to reclaim memory. Force collection of soft references. Force
 // a complete compaction of the heap. Any additional methods for finding
 // free memory should be here, especially if they are expensive. If this
 // attempt fails, an OOM exception will be thrown.
 IntFlagSetting flag_change(MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount, 1); // Make sure the heap is fully compacted
 gch->do_collection(true /* full */,
 true /* clear_all_soft_refs */,
 size /* size */,
 is_tlab /* is_tlab */,
 number_of_generations() - 1 /* max_level */);

concurrent model failure?

在CMS中,full gc 也叫 The foreground collector,对应的 cms gc 叫 The background collector,在真正执行 full gc 之前会判断一下 cms gc 的执行状态,如果 cms gc 正处于执行状态,调用report_concurrent_mode_interruption()方法,通知事件 concurrent mode failure,具体实现如下:

CollectorState first_state = _collectorState;
if (first_state > Idling) {
void CMSCollector::report_concurrent_mode_interruption() {
 if (is_external_interruption()) {
 if (PrintGCDetails) {
 gclog_or_tty->print(" (concurrent mode interrupted)");
 } else {
 if (PrintGCDetails) {
 gclog_or_tty->print(" (concurrent mode failure)");

这里可以发现是 full gc 导致了concurrent mode failure,而不是因为concurrent mode failure 错误导致触发 full gc,真正触发 full gc 的原因可能是 ygc 时发生的promotion failure。

其实这里还有concurrent mode interrupted,这是由于外部因素触发了 full gc,比如执行了System.gc(),导致了这个原因。

full gc中的compact

每次触发 full gc,会根据should_compact 标识进行判断是否需要执行 compact ,判断实现如下:

*should_compact =
 UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection &&
 ((_full_gcs_since_conc_gc >= CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction) ||
 GCCause::is_user_requested_gc(gch->gc_cause()) ||
 gch->incremental_collection_will_fail(true /* consult_young */));

UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection默认开启,但是否要进行 compact,还得看后面的条件:

1、最近一次cms gc 以来发生 full gc 的次数_full_gcs_since_conc_gc(这个值每次执行完 cms gc 的sweeping 阶段就会设置为0)达到阈值CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction 。(但是阈值默认为0,哪里有设置它的地方,不会每次 full gc 都是compact吧?)


3、上一次 ygc 已经失败(发生了promotion failure),或预测下一次 ygc 不会成功。

如果上述条件都不满足,是否就一直不进行 compact,这样碎片问题就得不到缓解了,幸好还有补救的机会,实现如下:

if (clear_all_soft_refs && !*should_compact) {
 // We are about to do a last ditch collection attempt
 // so it would normally make sense to do a compaction
 // to reclaim as much space as possible.
 if (CMSCompactWhenClearAllSoftRefs) {
 // Default: The rationale is that in this case either
 // we are past the final marking phase, in which case
 // we'd have to start over, or so little has been done
 // that there's little point in saving that work. Compaction
 // appears to be the sensible choice in either case.
 *should_compact = true;
 } else {
 // We have been asked to clear all soft refs, but not to
 // compact. Make sure that we aren't past the final checkpoint
 // phase, for that is where we process soft refs. If we are already
 // past that phase, we'll need to redo the refs discovery phase and
 // if necessary clear soft refs that weren't previously
 // cleared. We do so by remembering the phase in which
 // we came in, and if we are past the refs processing
 // phase, we'll choose to just redo the mark-sweep
 // collection from scratch.
 if (_collectorState > FinalMarking) {
 // We are past the refs processing phase;
 // start over and do a fresh synchronous CMS cycle
 _collectorState = Resetting; // skip to reset to start new cycle
 reset(false /* == !asynch */);
 *should_start_over = true;
 } // else we can continue a possibly ongoing current cycle

普通的 full gc,参数clear_all_soft_refs为 false,不会清理软引用,如果在执行完 full gc,空间还是不足的话,会执行一次彻底的 full gc,尝试清理所有的软引用,想方设法的收集可用内存,这种情况clear_all_soft_refs为 true,而且CMSCompactWhenClearAllSoftRefs默认为 true,在垃圾收集完可以执行一次compact,如果真的走到了这一步,该好好的查查代码了,因为这次 gc 的暂停时间已经很长很长很长了。

根据对should_compact参数的判断,执行不同的算法进行 full gc,实现如下:

if (should_compact) {
 // If the collection is being acquired from the background
 // collector, there may be references on the discovered
 // references lists that have NULL referents (being those
 // that were concurrently cleared by a mutator) or
 // that are no longer active (having been enqueued concurrently
 // by the mutator).
 // Scrub the list of those references because Mark-Sweep-Compact
 // code assumes referents are not NULL and that all discovered
 // Reference objects are active.
 if (first_state > Idling) {
 // Has the GC time limit been exceeded?
 DefNewGeneration* young_gen = _young_gen->as_DefNewGeneration();
 size_t max_eden_size = young_gen->max_capacity() -
 young_gen->to()->capacity() -
 GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
 GCCause::Cause gc_cause = gch->gc_cause();
 } else {
 do_mark_sweep_work(clear_all_soft_refs, first_state, should_start_over);

